Achieving the goals of Feed-the-Future and the Global Food Security Strategy requires careful consideration of the impact of relevant climate science on agricultural production, while at the same time considering other cross-cutting issues that influence agricultural growth, poverty alleviation and resilience, especially gender and nutrition.
Little is known about the impact of climate change and climate-responsive agricultural approaches on men’s and women’s time use or key nutrition outcomes, such as child growth, micronutrient status and diet quality of women, children and households, and about how the adoption of climate smart agricultural practices at scale may influence the availability of micro- and macronutrient availability across value chains and landscapes.
To address these challenges the Gender, Climate Change and Nutrition Integration Initiative (GCAN) initiative works with USAID headquarters, field missions and partners to enhance understanding between climate, gender and nutrition toward enhanced resilience, women’s empowerment and nutrition outcomes.
Specifically, GCAN has the following aims:
- Assist practitioners and experts in collecting, understanding and using climate science and other data to improve programming by addressing climate change – nutrition linkages and identify gender- and nutrition-sensitive technologies, practices, policies and investments for climate smart and resilient agriculture;
- Recommend technologies, practices, and approaches to sustainably increase agricultural productivity, nutritional status, climate resilience and gender equality for use in project planning; and
- Assess investments and approaches to support the enabling environment for CSA.
This work is being implemented as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), which is carried out with support from CGIAR Fund Donors and through bilateral funding agreements. For details please visit