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by Daniel Mason-D’Croz
Bogota, Colombia A workshop dedicated to presenting tools developed at IFPRI and their potential for use in Colombia was given with the participation and collaboration of the Colombian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development (MADR), the CGIAR Program for Climate Change and Food Security (CCAFS), and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). During this workshop, three researchers from IFPRI presented models used in the Low Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) project studying the potential effects of land-use change in Colombia. The models presented were:
- IFPRI’s International Model for Policy Analysis of Agriculture Commodities and Trade (IMPACT), presented by Daniel Mason-D’Croz
- A Land-use model developed for Colombia as a part of the LEDS Project, presented by Dr. Alex de Pinto
- The models used to estimate GHG emissions and changes in Carbon Stock due to changes in land-use, presented by Akiko Haruna
The models themselves were explained on their own highlighting how each could individually be of use in the Colombian context, as well as highlighting the power of coupling these models (and other models for that matter) to explore complex policy questions at varying scales. After a lively discussion on the theory behind the models presented, Alex, Daniel, and Akiko demonstrated the tools in action, by walking through several simple scenarios, including one created by the stakeholders in the course of the workshop. Each scenario was run in each of the models demonstrating how the scenarios are specified in each model, and how the results of one model are passed to the next model, highlighting the practical applications of this methodology of linked models, and how they can be used to test the robustness and potential unintended consequences of different policies.
This workshop was the fourth in a series of workshops led by Alex de Pinto highlighting the work done by IFPRI and CCAFS in Colombia as a part of the LEDS project. This was the first of these workshops where the IMPACT model was highlighted, through the participation of Daniel Mason-D’Croz. These workshops have been given to increase awareness of the relevant work being done at IFPRI, including through the Global Futures and Strategic Foresight program, as well as continuing the dialogue with national stakeholders in how they could use these advanced modeling tools in policy making. The participants showed a great deal of interest and excitement of learning to use and adapt these tools to their work, which could lead to very interesting future collaboration for Global Futures through the use of the IMPACT model in a national policy context.
- Workshop Announcement:
- Previous LEDS Workshops: